You must be careful to do not to let yourself manipulated by any person, whatever are the intentions. Listen only to your heart. It is your inner teacher.
People around you have always judged you, and you have automatically accepted their ideas. You suffer from all these judgments, which at your turn turn, you throw over the others. But this is totally unnatural and mankind suffer from it.
If you want to not be trained in this game, the first condition is not to judge yourself.
Accept yourself, humbly, with imperfections, failures, mistakes, weaknesses. No need to pretend otherwise. Be simply yourself and tell yourself: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid of the dark nights. I'm afraid to walk at night in the woods." What is wrong with this? It's something human.
Once you accept yourself as you are, you'll be able to accept others too, because you will realize that they suffer from the same disease.
And the fact that you accept the others, will help them accept themselves in return.
We can reverse the entire process: you accept yourself and this will make you able to accept others. And because they are accepted by others, they know for the first time the beauty of acceptance - they experience this state of peace and begin, at their turn, to accept the others.
If mankind reaches the point where everyone is accepted just as it is, 90 percent of all unhappiness will just disappear by itself. This unhappiness has no basic and your hearts will be opened by itself, your love will pour over others.