Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Know yourself like your own pockets!

Since we are young we search to know our limits. We are explorers! Of a certain age are already able to say what we are like, what we like, we have a system of values and beliefs. We are unique in our complexity in our versatility and is impossible to find two people who think/ act the same way.

Ancient inscription from the Temple of Apollo at Delphi says simply: "know yourself." Most people know to adulthood can say I am so and so and so. However, different people react differently in similar situations. Some people manage to bring to surface all the best and most beautiful in us and others who bring to the surface all that is bad and the ugly.

Exupery said that the man get to know himself when it's really in front of the obstacles. And one way or another, obstacles encountered at every step.

A few days ago I saw a card of pigeons, some birds with white, green feathers, beautiful. Happened but for his flight and show that I was revealed was wonderful. Did you knew that no matter how far you will take a pigeon, he always come back home, even from miles away? But the most important is that pigeons are having the same soul mate all their life!!!

We are faithful mirrors peers, but still seems unilateral. Ever met any person from one place to build a complete mirror? The one talking about art, with another about politics or sports, the other shares her most secret secrets. We behave in a way at home, another in public, at work, school, theater, etc.. But perhaps the souls wear pearls that I never talk about, that we do not show to anyone. May not know are there until we face certain situations.

What did you discover about yourself again lately? Ever get to know us completely?