Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Showing posts with label quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quote. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 February 2011

My quote for life

I think most of us have one or more favorite quotes. Usually choose quotations that inspire or motivate us or simply reflects that loans or personal values.

At some point in life I felt the need for a quote to represent more than just an inspiration. Become a personal statement to me accountable to what is already important to me and to take action. Not to postpone my finding excuses for not becoming who I suggest and I felt good to get.

Most likely not only to me it is easier to realize something than to put into action. So I decided I
realize what is important to my life and I choose a quote that to convert it into personal statement.

When I say important, I mean the awareness of a thing in my life which influences all my life plans. So when I set the first motto (as story here) I left the idea of balance between all areas
of life, and I had personal statement:

Imagine life as a game in which five juggle the ball in the air. Call them: family, friends, work, faith and health.

The major difference between a single quote and a personal statement is your personal motto that helps me daily to remember what is important to me and do actions to reach or remain there. A quote defines some point, as appropriate:

Do not go before me, could not follow you / Do not go behind me, could not be the one who leads / Walk beside me and be my friend.
- Albert Camus - for me was and is the definition of leadership.

Yes, a motto is more: it is a free action.
It is both proof of recognition (awareness) to clear my place in life, but also setting the bar for going further. If a quotation rules apply in a plan of life, a motto applies to any plan of life.

Personal motto in life is now my blog in your email signature, sometimes on the desktop or printed and pasted on walls around the house or office next to the laptop somehow. Moreover, I look at it daily and wonder: "I do what I wanted to do? If not, why? "

In the end I wonder what quotes (personal statement) do you have in life right now and meant for you. Have helped you or still help?