Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

There is an Egyptian in everyone of us

Born Egyptian or married with an Egyptian, living in Egypt or just having connections and friends from Egypt - well it is absolutely impossible not to be "embraced" by the Egyptian influences.
Like this soon you will realize that in you is living an Egyptian too :). How you can discover this? We are about to find out :).

1.You know "1 minute" = 1 hour
2.You hear people around you saying "estubid" and "owet" for "stupid" and "out" and you find this so normal
3.You want to hit anyone who drives you crazy with anything that is near to you, anything from a shoe to a bowl
4.Your relatives brag about their kids even if they are bad and you approve them
5.Your favorite food is warah aneb (ma7shi), but you are embarrassed to tell your friends that you eat leaves for dinner
6.Your future 'taunt' asks you when she can dance at your wedding
7.You start to use more cologne than deodorant
8.You pronounce "the things" za sings", just because it is a "local Egyptian" way to say it
9.Your relatives swears at their kids with words that effect them and not the kids "ya ibn il kalb!!!"
10.You put tahina in and on everything and brag about how healthy it is because Egyptians are using it since thousand of years
11.You gossip about your own family...with members of your own family
12.You eat kofta at least 4 times a week
13.You cook a meal that lasts a week
14.You watch the hell out of the Arabic channel
15.You have billions of cousins
16.At weddings it takes the bride and groom 4 hours to hug and kiss all the guests and everybody hits their drink with their forks
17.You "get down" from the car instead of "getting out" of it
18.You love to laugh and smile :D
19.You have a gold necklace of your name written in Hieroglyphics or Arabic (coz it is a must since you are Egyptian)
20.You play cards till the break of dawn
21.Your friends usually say things like: put za sings in za sing
22.You can't have a meal without aish baladi (arabic bread)
23.You feel proud when someone famous or a celebrity has any Egyptian blood in them
24.You teach your European/ American friends Arabic words (mostly bad ones) and get happy when they use them in normal conversations
25.You have ten different foods at your dinner table
26.You get really happy and call the whole family to the room when there is a special or documentary on Egyptians or anything Arabic related on CNN or PBS
27.You have lefa hair...and if you don't, u have curly hair
28.You own a grocery store or a gas station or a shaorma store
29.You smoke as if it were your last day on earth...and you only smoke apple or manga sheesha
30.You own and/or play a tublah
31.Your middle name is your father's first name (the same applies for the kids when your husband is Egyptian - my husband has 9 names :D - K M M Y M I Y M I)
32. You’re probably pre-med or engineering and you want your kids the same
33. You could kill for some macarona bil- béchamel, mashi, and baba ghanouk 
34. Your parents think Umm-Khalthoom IS what's hot (yes true :)))))) )
35. You invented and perfected the art of bellydancing
36. You’re probably the loudest in your circle of friends
37. You know a cup of tea is shai-bil laaban, not bil haleeb
38. You know Egypt’s got it down for movies, music, and clothes~
39. Whenever you meet a fellow Egyptian in a store, you get a discount.
40. You’re ALWAYS LATE….it’s a gene, ok?! (true again to me too)
41. The only maintenance you do to your car is a car wash, or not even.
42. Your wife is also your first cousin or from ur family (I saw this :D)
43. You are bald and fat and blame it on stress.
44. You got a lot of money and drive a BMW or a Benz and still can’t pick up any women.
45. After a family meal, the women fight to the death over who should wash the dishes while the men sit on their behinds and discuss politics, waiting for their tea (not my case :P)
46. Walk around the house in your underwear coz it is too hot
47. Watch the hell out of the ART channel and talk nonsense about the rest.
48. Ur only source of news is Aljazzera or neighbors
50. You got more than 4 kids (not my case again :P)
51. Your middle name is your father’s first name. (lol so true in my husband case :D)
52. U have about millions of cousins.
53. Act like you want to pay, but in reality you hate to pay.
54. You are standing next to the largest suitcases at the Airport. (tha't me :)))) )
55. Your Parents scream into the phone, and if u don’t answer your phone they leave about 200 messages on your voicemail. (happen to me too with my parents and now with my husband too, although he knows I m at work :)))) )
56. When u try to explain your Egyptian friends to your European/ American friends u say they r your cousins.
57. If you’re an Egyptian woman u always complain on how your fat u r…and how u always lose weights on fasts (yes, I know them very well :))))))))) )
58. If you’re an Egyptian woman you always have to bleach ur hair a color not normal and swear it's real (and wear the hijab not to cover the front part so that it can be seen the hair... otherwise, why to bleach it if nobody will see it? :))))))
59. Egyptian men have leefa hair
60. You have "fool” or “Koshary” for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
61. You say words like “ Ezayek”, “Eshtah”, “Gedan” and “Aywah”
62. You ask your relatives from Egypt a simple question and they tell you a story of how they had to walk miles just to get to school.
63. If you are 25 and not married yet, your relatives make you feel that you are getting too old.
64. Everyone is a family friend.
65. People are never happy with what you've achieved. If you graduated from school they'll tell you "3o2bal el Shehada el kebera", and when u get that "3o2bal el 3aroosa or 3areees", and when you get that "3o2bal ma nefra7 be awladkom", and when you get that "3o2bal ma tefra7 be shehadithum", etc...
66. When you FLY BACK home you find 20 people waiting for you at the airport
67. Every time you fly back home you meet relatives you never knew existed and they look nothing like your family.
68. Getting a visa to Europe or the States is like getting a baby, everybody tells you "mabrook" (u get a "mabrook" for everything, even if you just do your nails or buy a pair of socks :))))) )

Friday, 16 September 2011

You life is a precious gift! Treasure and cherish every second of your life!

Too often we find more reasons to hate our life than to love it. And you know what? Life hates us back. Here are 77 reasons to love your life. Pick one or add your own in the comments.
  1. love your life for everything you already have
  2. love your life for what you are yet to receive
  3. love your life for all your certainties
  4. love your life for the friends you have
  5. love your life for the wonderful journeys you had
  6. love your life for the friends you will get
  7. love your life for all the bad advice you didn’t follow
  8. love your life for your beautiful memories
  9. love your life for the ones you love
  10. love your life for the ones you forgot, as they are still to enrich your life
  11. love your life for the work you do, as this is your gift to the others
  12. love your life for the jokes you still wait to hear
  13. love your life for the beautiful travels you are still to make
  14. love your life for everything you are not sure about, as it will still challenge your being
  15. love your life for all the beautiful sunrises you remember
  16. love your life for all the fantastic sunsets you still recall
  17. love your life for tomorrow’s sunrise
  18. love your life for yesterday sunset
  19. love your life for the gifts you are yet to receive
  20. love your life for the health you have
  21. love your life for all the beauty you can spot around you
  22. love your life for the ugliness around you, as it serves you to contrast the beauty you are ignoring
  23. love your life for the riddles you haven’t yet solved
  24. love your life for all your unanswered questions
  25. love your life for all your victories
  26. love your live for all the good advice you followed
  27. love your life for all your lost battles, as they are your precious lessons
  28. love your life for your enemies, as they are there to give birth to you forgiveness
  29. love your life for all the small things in your life
  30. love your life for all the ambitious goals you’ve set
  31. love your life for all the answers you got so far
  32. love your life for the smiles you get every day
  33. love your life for the smiles you give every day
  34. love your life for your energetic mornings
  35. love your life for your romantic evenings
  36. love your life for the life rediscovered through the eyes of your children
  37. love your life for the smell of the rain
  38. love your life for the gifts you still have to make
  39. love your life for all the games you haven’t yet played
  40. love your life for the next first snow
  41. love your life for all the great ideas you had today
  42. love your life for all the great ideas you will have tomorrow
  43. love your life for tomorrow’s surprises
  44. love your life for today’s gifts
  45. love your life for all your fulfilled dreams
  46. love your life for yesterday’s memories, they are there to enlight you
  47. love your life for all the nice words you haven’t yet said to your loved ones
  48. love your life for all the nice words you heard from your loved ones
  49. love your life for all the nice people you haven’t yet met
  50. love your life for all your mistakes, so you can have plenty of time to make up for them
  51. love your life for all the adventures you haven’t yet had
  52. love your life for all the books you haven’t yet read
  53. love your life for all the books you haven’t yet written
  54. love your life for all the unborn challenges you still have to face
  55. love your life for all the stories you haven’t yet heard, written or imagined
  56. love your life for the person who’s looking at you from the mirror every morning
  57. love your life for the nurturing family you already have
  58. love your life for all you have to share with others
  59. love your life for all you’ve lost in your journey, as it will only make room for something even bigger
  60. love your life for the feeling of your heart overflowing with love
  61. love your life for all your unfulfilled dreams as you will have plenty of time to make them true
  62. love your life for all the opportunities that are waiting for you just around the corner
  63. love your life for the personal freedom you conquered
  64. love your life for everything you created so far
  65. love your life for the beauty of every spring
  66. love your life for the energy of every summer
  67. love your life for the emotions of every fall
  68. love your life for the cold beauty of every winter
  69. love your life for all the beauty inside you, waiting yet to be discovered
  70. love your life for all the fantastic colors that are shaping your world every day
  71. love your life for all the wonderful music you’ve heard so far
  72. love your life for all the people you have met so far, they are your precious universe
  73. love your life for wind that caresses your face every day
  74. love your life for the all the unexpected changes of your plans
  75. love your life for all the fights you avoided
  76. love your life for all the crossroads you meet every day, they are there to offer you the best path you can chose
  77. love your life for every single second, as this is all you have, only this infinite second.  

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Husbands, be careful what you wish ^___*!

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed at home. He wanted her to see what he went through each day, so he prayed :- "Dear Lord, I go to work every day and put in 8 hours of hard work, while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please create a trade in our bodies". God, in His infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home, picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to draw money to pay the electricity and telephone bills. 

He drove to the electricity company and the phone company and paid the bills, went grocery shopping, came home and put away the groceries. He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog. By then it was already 1:00 pm, so he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. He rushed to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home which he had to sort out in a gentle 'motherly' fashion. He set out cookies and milk and got the kids organised to do their homework, then set up the ironing board and was able to watch a bit of TV while he did the ironing. By then it was 4:30 pm, so he began peeling potatoes and washed greens for salads. 

He prepared the chops and fresh vegetables and got everything ready in time for an early dinner. After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. At 9:00 pm he was exhausted and although his chores weren't finished for the day, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaining. The next morning he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said :- "Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, O please, let us trade back!"

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied, "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were. You'll just have to wait 9 months though, because you got pregnant last night!!!" :)))))