Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Allah's signs in the world - part VII

Hidden Message or Coincidence?

The holy Qur'an comprises 114 suras (chapters) each of which is made up of varying numbers of ayats (verses).

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The illustration on the left shows a scatter graph of the number of verses in a sura against the number of the sura. The result resembles the word "Allah" in Arabic (right).
The Qur'anic revelation was made by Archangel Gabriel to Prophet Mohamrned (PBUH). It took place over a period of more than 20 years beginning with the first verses of sura 96. After a three year hiatus, the revelation continued up to the death of the Prophet (PBUH) in 632 C.E.
Whenever a fragment of the Qur'an was revealed,the Prophet (PBUH) called one of his literate companions and dictated it to him, indicating at the same time the exact position of the new fragment in the fabric of what had already been revealed. Extremely diverse materials were used for this initial record e.g. leather, parchment,wooden tablets, bones and soft stones for inscription. At the same time the Prophet (PBUH) recommended his followers to memorise the Qur'an, thereby doubly preserving the text.
Following the death of the Prophet (PBUH)in 632 C.E., Abu Bakr (RA), the first Caliph of Islam, asked the Prophet's (PBUH) main scribe, Zaid Ibn Thabit, to make a copy which he duly did. On Omar's (RA) initiative (the then future second Caliph), Zaid consulted all the information he could assemble in Medina and produced a very faithful copy of the book.
Omar, Abu Bakr's successor in 634 C.E. subsequently made a single volume (mushaf) which he preserved and passed on to Hafsa, his only daughter and the Prophet's (PBUH) widow. The third Caliph, Uthman (RA), entrusted a commission of experts with the preparation of the great recension that bears his name. The commission evaluated the authenticity of the document produced under Abu Bakr (RA) and which had remained with Hafsa until then. They also consulted Muslims who had memorised the Qur'an. The critical analysis of the authenticity of the text was carried out very stringently. The agreement of the witnesses was deemed necessary before the slightest verse containing debatable material was retained. The result was a text containing an order of sura that reflects the order followed by the Prophet (PBUH) during his recitals in Ramadan. The 114 suras were arranged in approximately decreasing order of length although there were exceptions.
The sequence of the suras in the Qur'an has proved to be of much interest in modern times. A young Turkish Engineering student at Istanbul Technical University was fascinated by this topic, so much so, that he plotted by hand, a graph of he number of verses in a sura against the number of the sura. The result startled him as it resembled the word "Allah" (God) in Arabic. His findings appeared in a Turkish national newspaper in February 1986.
At the beginning of this article is a computer generated scatter graph of "length of sura" (ie number of verses that it contains) against "number of the sura". The graph is provided both in its raw form and with added shading. There is a distinct similarity between the graph and the Arabic word "Allah". Is this a coincidence or something much more?

Allah's signs in the world - part VI

Trees Spelling the Kalimah

Many people have e-mailed me requesting more information on this phenomenon. Some say it is man-made - you may find out for yourself by contacting the publisher.Please note that Muslims do not base their faith on such sights. Our anchor is the Quran, our Holy Book and the abundant knowledge and wisdom on life, science, nature, etc. within it. If you wish to see a REAL miracle Read the Quran.


Branches of Trees in Germany

The branches of the trees lining a path distributed in the shape of declaration
of the Islamic creed in the Arabic language that affirms the Oneness of
Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH)."
It reads
'La ilaha Illahau Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah'
There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)
is the Messenger of Allah.

This is said to be a scene on a piece of cultivated farmland in Germany.
Many Germans have been said to have embraced Islam upon seeing this miraculous sight and that the German government put steel fences around that part of the farm to
prevent people from visiting and witnessing this miraculous site.
This discovery is no surprise.
Allah has revealed in the Holy Qur'an:
"Their intention is to extinguish Alaah's light (by blowing)
with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light, even though
the Unbelievers may detest (it).
Al Qur'an 61:8

Allah's signs in the world - part V

Beehive spelling Allah: Islamic Miracles in Nature

Those who are familiar with Arabic will easily be able to identify what this beehive spells - "Allahu".
Please visit the page on "An Islamic Perspective on the Bee"

Allah has revealed in the Holy Qur'an: 

"Their intention is to extinguish Allah's light (by blowing) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it). Al Qur'an 61:8


Allah's signs in the world - part IV

Stone with Kalimah on it


Allah's signs in the world - part III

Tree Doing Ruku facing Kabaa


Please note that Muslims do not base their faith on such sights. Our anchor is the Quran, our Holy Book and the abundant knowledge and wisdom on life, science, nature, etc. within it. If you wish to see a REAL miracle - these sights are not it - Read the Quran! 

This is a recently discovered phenomenon in a forest near Sidney. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in a posture of Islamic prayer - the 'ruku'. Looking closer you can see the 'hands' resting on the knees.

The most amazing thing is that the 'man' is directly facing the Kaaba, Mecca which is the direction Muslims all over the world face when in prayer.
 Look at the inscription on the tree. The old photos have the same arabic writting "ALLAH" the new photos have the same its around 1.3m above the head of the tree take a close look.