Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Neighbourhoods and… neighbours :D

  1. Part 1

    I could say my favorite subject, not because I spy on my neighbors and after this I go to gossip while I drink my coffee with my "friends neighbors"! In fact - from the beginning, I mention that I love so much the privacy and the intimacy of my home and me and my husband we prefer to keep our home far from any social meetings (as much as we can).

    Truly, I am the kind of person which appreciates and takes as good manners if before someone comes to us (family or friends) that person calls and announces the intention to visit us (with at least 1 day before) because I totally dislike that I change my daily program suddenly and run from here to there because we have a visit (hospitality is very important for me; as the guest prepares himself for the visit, so do I, I love to prepare everything for the moment of visit)! Speaking about calls too: no call after 22:00 and in week-end, no call before 10:00 (except the emergency cases)! 

    Why this? I come from a family and from an environment where the respect for the family and the privacy, the manners and the behavior are the business card or better said… the mirror of the education of any person who understands the meaning of words "gentleman" as a man and "lady" as a woman! 

    Well, from the point of view of privacy and intimacy – no problem about this with our neighbors because we don't connect with them more than "Salam Alaykoum/ Wa Alaykoum Salam" when accidentally we meet on the stairs (and it is fine like this, trust me!). So what’s the business with our neighbors? We will see…

    In this building there are people I never saw their faces not even once… but I can hear their voices… from the first until the last floor (10th floor) so clear and SO LOUD that I can know where they went, what they bought, who they met, what they cooked, how many times they slapped the kids and called them with the names of the entire ZOO Garden and even the number of fights (which usually continue outside in front of the building from the reason "I want that people know with whom I married and how "toz" (jerk) he/ she is"!
    Note: We are living in a good area of the city, to Port Said Street, so near to the sea, practically I can say that I can "wash" my hands into the sea :D.

    TV… Mobile phone… we all have at least one of these two things…but how many times you shared them with your neighbors or people in the street? :D
    I wish from all my heart that my neighbors or anyone else related to them read this article and read well what I will say now: Rise Down the voice of your TV and Your voice when you use the mobile! I have the feeling that you are in my living room when you turn on your TV or you speak to mobile!!!

    And please! Try to show a minimum of decency and that there is difference between you and any jungle animal and that you value the fact that Allah blessed you with rationality, with mind and HE dignified you by being a human with religion and knowledge and you live in the city, not in the middle of the jungle!  The choice is yours: you can be the Tarzan or Cheetah of the community or you can honor the name you carry and say Alhamdulillah for the grace of Allah on you!

    Speaking about manners and behavior… one more thing: TAKE YOUR GARBAGE TO THE GARBAGE BASKET and STOP throwing the bags from the window in the middle of the night or early morning (you know that it is WRONG what you are doing so you try to put yourself under the protection of the darkness or the silence of the morning)!!! And here I speak first to the women: it is that hard that you move yourself from the couch and get down with the garbage basket? It is that hard that you ask your husband or your older kids to take the garbage out (in case that you can't or you are busy with something else)? Why you have to make yourself so cheap, less than the animals and dirty the view in front of your eyes because you are "kaslana awii" and don't want to move your "lanchon" to not lose a few grams??? TAKE YOUR GARBAGE TO THE GARBAGE BASKET (for Heaven sake it is besides the building)!!!

    In the end, all these things remind me with words I heard once: "Look to the desert… you don't see any flies, bugs or garbage. Take some humans and put them there… after a while you will see the place full with flies, ants, mosquitoes, bugs; all these beside the garbage and the bad smell!"
    Really, the human blesses the place… or maybe not, at least not in the situations mentioned above!

    P.S.: If you pass the same problems or even more with the community you are from, please let your comment here and uncover the situation! We don't have to be silent to these things!

1 comment:

  1. Alhamdulillah, they are building a new building in front of us were the neighbors use to train by throwing the garbage!!!! While I know it will be a so high building which will take my view, I don't care anymore, as long as I don't see garbage anymore! Hurray!!!!


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