Blog Translation

Ever since we met each other, my beloved husband filled my life with love, light, joy and happiness, with music and special moments!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Life in black and black

Black jeans. Black skirt. Black dress. Black blouse. Black jacket. Black hijab. Black abaya. 

When I think to black color, I think to sublime elegance. Versatility. Femininity. Black seems to be the new black color of 2013 - 2014 cold season. True and I know this well! But not like this! Too much is too much and enough is enough!

On birthdays, the socialite party, at the club, at the office, at the cinema, the holidays and to the supermarket, women wear black. Dresses... black dresses, shirts and pants, jackets, blazers and blouses, shoes, bags and socks, coats, jackets, boots and underwear; and above it black abayas and black hijabs. All black. Always. Like they are all the time in sorrow and about to bury someone!

We were recently invited to a wedding at a so fancy local restaurant. It was Saturday night, so I dressed like a flower with a so hot red dress that would make your blood burning only when you see the color; matched with it red and white veils, white shoes with red rose on a side and white purse with the same red roses in front. When we reached there, I thought that we've got the wrong address and we went to a requiem. All guests, and when I say all means all, celebrating the happy event in dark black clothes brought out from an episode of Adam's Family! So what that the abaya of the lady in the corner was EFFA and her "hubby" was wearing Ted Lapidus jacket? That complete black was expressing a funeral air. I mean, we will say to the married couple "Kol sana we entum tayebin" or "Allah rahmanukum"??? Because seeing the decor, I don't feel jolly at all...
Many of the girls/ women even in the daily life, they are wearing black, exclusive black! If you ask me, they look like Virgins Suicide, not at all Coco Channel models!

And now maybe I should clarify that the dress code Black Tie does not mean not even from far to dress necessarily like the Undertaker (the wrestling fighter). It is a formal style, where you have to wear a stylish dress, long, with a simple cut, but from a precious material without print. This dress can also be emerald green and royal purple. Not necessarily black. That's the idea.
I love the black dresses and sophisticated all black outfits with gold fine accessories, but worn occasionally. Still, I can't close my eyes when I see sad black outfits, intrusive and superfluous as what the girls use to choose these days!
All women want to be special and have a recognizable fashion style, and instead they play with shades and prints, they choose to drawn themselves in a deep black color, succeeding like this to increase the ranks of boring uniforms. Black does not make you thinner as you think, and neither more stylish. Fewer meat balls stuffed under the nose and a little more character and you will see that you will be stylish in a raspberry pink outfit too!

Let's color a little our wardrobe and show courage and good aesthetic taste. And maybe it will give color to our life too.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Famous Arabian Wisdom Words

These days, I was searching for some "wisdom words" famous in Arabian culture. I found some quotes really interesting and with a so right meaning. Check it and see which one of these you find similar to something from your life!

Famous Old Arab Proverbs:
1- “A woman can hide her love for 40 years, but her disgust and anger not for one day”

2- “Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble”

3- “Follow the advice of those who make you cry, never of those who make you laugh”

4- “Dwell not upon the weariness, the strength shall be according to the measure of the desire”

5- “Sunshine all the time makes a desert”

6- “Anything that happens once does not necessarily happen again, everything that happens twice is likely to happen for the third time as well.”

7- “Insults should be written in sand, compliments should be carved in stone”

8- “God can see a black ant walk on a black stone in a black night”

9- “Fear those who are afraid of you”

10- "Another man's bread will not fill your belly"

11- "choose your neighbor before the house, and the companions before the road"

12- "Death is a black camel, being at every door. Sooner or later you will ride it"

13- "He hit me, started to cry, and went straight to the judge to sue me !"

Friday, 12 July 2013

Why I chose for my baby boy the name Omar?

Since many persons have asked me why I named my baby boy Omar, I assure you from the beginning that my choice has no relation to any actor (Omar Sheriff), any musician (Omar Khairat) and neither to any football player or singer. None of these ideas!

I chose the name of my baby boy after I read about the life and the manners of the best Caliph of the Muslims: Omar ibn Al Khatab, known also as Al - Farouk (The Justice One - name gave to him by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him) and Amir Al Mu'minin.

When you will know too all about Omar ibn Al Khatab, tears from your eyes will fall regretting that you didn't live in his times and you don't have the blessing and the honor to have a ruler like him.

First of all, the meaning of word "Omar" is Long life, first son, most high, the Prophet's follower, as you can find in the article Name meanings and history: Boys name.   

But who was Omar ibn Al Khatab?

Umar ibn al Khattab among the most influential people in history - See more at:
Michael H. Hart wrote a book entitled "THE 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" in 1978. Several other authors have written similar books but this still remains a distinguished book in it's category. The book is thought provoking and encourages the reader to see history from different perspectives.

He chose Prophet Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons which was surprising to many people. He said he chose Muhammad because he was the only person in the history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Michael Hart went on to count the traits and qualities of Prophet Muhammad and his overall impact on human history and arrived at the conclusion that Prophet Muhammad should be the number one person in the filed of 100 influential persons in human history.

Another surprise to many people was Michael Hart's choice of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab among the 100 influential persons, whom he not only included among these 100 persons but also put him as number two on the second half (51 to 100) of his choice. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is 52nd on the list. He ranked him higher than such famous men as Charlemagne and Julius Caesar. He further says that Umar's brilliant leadership was responsible for the expansion of the Islamic territory and the enormous extent that it did occur under him. He further says that Umar Ibn Al-Khattab ordered the Muslim armies to leave the natives of the conquered land in peace and ordered the military personnel not to force the natives to convert to Islam. 

In the parenthesis Michael put his note, "From the above, it is clear that the Arab conquest was more a nationalist war of conquest rather than a holy war, although the religious aspect was not lacking". Michael Hart further says that Umar ibn Al-Khattab's achievements are impressive and it would be a grave mistake to ignore his contributions to humanity. It should be noted that Umar Ibn Al-Khattab's brilliant leadership was responsible for permanence of the territories that came under the Islamic role at that time and are still part of the Islamic world today. 
Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is a pioneering figure in the Islamic world. He was a leader, a statesman, a pious and God conscious Muslim who showed respect for all individuals including non-Muslims and he ordered the Muslims to treat non-Muslims with respect. He showed us how to apply the Quranic injunction "there is no compulsion in religion."

Under the leadership of Umar ibn Al-Khattab Islam spread widely not by the sword but by virtue of its beauty, simplicity, transparency, openness and the leadership provided by him. Another reason for the rapid growth of Muslim community was the conversion of some high-placed religious personalities from among the Jewish and the Christian communities. These religious personalities saw Islam as a continuation and affirmation of the Abrahamic faith. Ardkun, the Bishop of Damascus, accepted Islam after the Islamic armies entered the city under Khalid bin Walid. The followers of Ardkun became attracted towards the new faith and became Muslim. The chief administrator of the city of Shata in Egypt, famous for its textiles manufacturing, left his town with two thousand men and went to city of Damietta where the Muslim army was camped and embraced Islam with his followers.
During the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the non-Muslims enjoyed freedom of religion. They were free to perform their religious rites, ring bells to start their religious ceremonies, take out the Cross in procession and hold religious fairs. Even treaties were signed during the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab with non-Muslims that guaranteed freedom of religion. The writ of Hudhaifa bin al-Yaman to people of the region of Mahdinar says, "They shall not be required to change their religion, nor shall any interference be made in their religious practices." 

Umar ibn Al-Khattab followed the principle of equality very strictly and would not tolerate any kind of distinction. Once, Umar ibn Al-Khattab had a difference of opinion with Ubayy bin Ka'b. The matter was referred and brought in the court of Qazi Zaid bin Thabit. When Umar ibn Al-Khattab arrived at the court the Qazi, Zaid bin Thabit, vacated his seat out of respect for the Khalifah. Umar ibn Al-Khattab, after observing the situation, said that this was the first injustice Zaid has done to the suit. Then he sat down next to Ubayy, his opponent.
Umar ibn Al-Khattab always favored individual freedom and self-respect. By word of mouth and through his writings he made it very clear that every human being was born free and no one should have to abase himself in front of others. Once, the son of Amr bin As abused and beat up a Copt Christian; on hearing this Umar ibn Al-Khattab had son of Amr punished publicly by the hand of the victim Copt Christian. Then Umar ibn Al-Khattab addressed both father and son and said, "Since when have you turned men into slaves, whereas they are born free of their mothers?"

The people of many cultures who accepted Islam faced new challenges. More complex questions regarding the Islamic way of life cropped up at the same time. Many of the questions could not be answered because clear rulings of the Holy Prophet or the Holy Qur'an were not available. The Qadis and Muftis appointed in towns and cities were Companions of the Prophet, yet they referred complicated questions to the Khalifah. The famous Sahabis who referred the question to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab are Abdullah bin Ma'sud, Ammar bin Yasar, Abu Musa Ash'ari, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Mughira bin Shuba and others. Umar ibn Al-Khattab gave his judgment after discussing these questions in the assembly of the companions. The discussions were conducted with the greatest freedom and acumen. Shah Wali-Ullah writes in Hujjatullah al-Baligha, "It was Umar's practice to consult the companions and hold discussions with them, until the veils were lifted and conviction was attained. For this reason Umar's dicta were accepted throughout the East and the West."
It is said that his writings, his letters and official instructions were as powerful as his speeches. In a letter to Abu Musa Ash'ari he wrote, "People generally hate their ruler, and I seek protection of Allah, if my people should entertain similar feelings about me. Avoid vain suspicions and keep away from malice, and don not encourage people of cherish vain hopes, and be careful of Allah's property, and guard yourself against evil men. If you find any people who are vindictively inclined towards the Muslim state, it is devilish inclination and must be put down by the sword, until they bow to Allah's decision and turn to better ways".

In another letter to Abu Musa Ash'ari he said, "The thing that strengthens one in execution of work and that one should not procrastinate; for if you do so, your affairs will heap up and overwhelm you and you will not then be able to decide what to do and what not to do, and you will fail in your work."
Umr Ibn Al-Khattab appointed Amr bin Al-As as the Governor of Egypt. Amr bin Al-As delayed remitting the revenue to the treasury. Umar ibn Al-Khattab wrote to him and reminded about the delay. Amr bin Al-As procrastinated. Umar ibn Al-Khattab sent him a strong letter, he wrote, "I understand that the thing that has kept you from replying is the fact that your subordinates are not good. They have made you a shield, and it is a disease for which I possess an effective remedy. I am surprised that I have written to you often and at length, but you neglected sending the revenue and have avoided giving straight answers. So Abu, Abdullah, don't worry. Due shall be taken from you and you shall pay them, for as the river yields pearls, so will you have to render the dues." 

Umar ibn Al-Khattab used to end his speeches with following statement: "O God, let me not fall into an error, nor let me be called to account on unawares, nor let me fall into neglect."
Umar ibn Al-Khattab's actions speak louder about his character, his integrity and his love for the people in the Muslim state. He made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. His achievements are reflection of his life.

Sayings of Umar ibn Al-Khattab:

Umar ibn Al-Khattab always had a sound opinion, which made him a very powerful leader who expected higher degree of integrity from the people working with him during his Khilafate. Some of his wise sayings are quoted here:

  • One who keeps his own counsel keeps his affairs in his own hand. 
  • Fear him whom you hate. 
  • The wisest man is he who can account for his actions. 
  • Do not put off today's work till tomorrow. 
  • What regresses never progresses?
  • He who does not know evil will fall into it. 
  • When a man asks me a question, I know his intelligence.
  • Don't forget your own self while preaching to others. 
  • The less of the world, the freer you live. 
  • Avoidance of sin is lighter than the pain of remorse. 
  • If patience and gratitude had been two she camels, it would have mattered little on which I rode. May God have mercy on him who sends me my faults for a present!
  • During his Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, Umar ibn Al-Khattab heard one of the camel drivers singing. People asked Umar ibn Al-Khattab as to why he did not stop the camel driver from singing. Umar ibn Al-Khattab replied, "Music was the camel driver's provision for a journey."

Some of the Achievements of Umar ibn Al-Khattab:

Umar ibn Al-Khattab established many institutions in the Islamic state's administration. Historians have called his reforms as innovations. The achievements of Umar ibn Al-Khattab are numerous. The most important achievements are listed below:
  • Umar ibn Al-Khattab established the public treasury: Bait-ul-Mal
  • Established courts of justice and appointed judges.
  • Proposed and enforced use of the era of Hijra.
  • Assumed the title of Amir-ul-Mu'minin.
  • To engage the anti-Islamic forces he organized and established the War Department.
  • Placed army reserves on the pay-roll. In addition to this, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab improved the army administration by providing every army corps with an officer of the treasury, an accountant, and number of interpreters, physicians and surgeons. He instructed the army commanders to submit accounts of war expenditures and list of the spoils of war. Historical records show that in 16 Hijri Ziyad bin Abi Sufyan came from city of Jalula Ð after its conquest - and brought with him the records of the accounts to Madinah and submitted them for Umar ibn Al-Khattab's perusal and review.
  • Established Land Revenue Department, ordered survey and assessment of lands and also ordered conducting census. This required maintenance of the land revenue records in Persian, Syriac and Coptic languages. The accounts were kept on long rolled-up sheets.
  • Founded cities: Kufah, Basrah, Jazirah, Fustat and Musal and undertook construction and building of canals.
  • Divided conquered countries into provinces.
  • Ordered collecting customs duties. 
  • Appointed officials for the collection of tax on the produce of sea.
  • Gave permission to traders from foreign countries to conduct business in the Islamic territory.
  • Organized jails and enforced use of the whip.
  • Made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. For relaxations he enjoyed lighter pursuits including poetry. Once he asked Abdullah bin Abbas to recite him poetry the whole night. At the time when dawn was breaking, he said, "Now recite the Holy Qur'an." During one of his night rounds around the city he heard the sound of music. He stopped and listened to the music and then moved on. 
  • Established military cantonments and had them located at strategic points. 
  • Organized Police Department.
  • Set up a system to classify pedigree and non-pedigree horses.
  • Built houses on the road from Makkah to Madinah for the comfort of the travelers and also established guest-houses in different cities. At that time a system was established for the clearance of land, construction of roads, building of bridges and other operations which are carried out by sappers and miner in present day armies. The local people of the lands were recruited to perform these duties. 
  • Provided stipends for the poor Jewish and Christian people.
  • Established schools and provided salaries for school teachers and public lecturers. 
  • Proposed the principle of Qiyas and its formulation.
  • Proposed exact division of inheritance.
  • Proposed and inserted additional statement "Prayer is better than sleep" in the call for Fajr prayers.
  • Ordained performing taraweeh prayers in congregation.
  • Established law for the punishment of alcohol drinkers with eighty lashes.
  • Proposed a method for preparing trusts.
  • Obtained consensus of opinion for saying four takbirs in funeral prayer.
  • Made arrangements for providing lights in mosques at night. It is stated that until the Khilafate of Umar ibn Al-Khattab there were no arrangements for lights in the mosques. A person by name Tamim Dari made the arrangements and supplied lamps for the mosques with Umar ibn Al-Khattab's permission.
  • Established a procedure to giving salaries from the public treasury to Imams and Muazzins.

"I understand that the thing that has kept you from replying is the fact that your subordinates are not good. They have made you a shield, and it is a disease for which I possess an effective remedy. I am surprised that I have written to you often and at length, but you neglected sending the revenue and have avoided giving straight answers. So Abu, Abdullah, don't worry. Due shall be taken from you and you shall pay them, for as the river yields pearls, so will you have to render the dues." 
Umar ibn Al-Khattab used to end his speeches with following statement: "O God, let me not fall into an error, nor let me be called to account on unawares, nor let me fall into neglect."
Umar ibn Al-Khattab's actions speak louder about his character, his integrity and his love for the people in the Muslim state. He made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. His achievements are reflection of his life. - See more at:
Michael H. Hart wrote a book entitled "THE 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" in 1978. Several other authors have written similar books but this still remains a distinguished book in it's category. The book is thought provoking and encourages the reader to see history from different perspectives.
He chose Prophet Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons which was surprising to many people. He said he chose Muhammad because he was the only person in the history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Michael Hart went on to count the traits and qualities of Prophet Muhammad and his overall impact on human history and arrived at the conclusion that Prophet Muhammad should be the number one person in the filed of 100 influential persons in human history.

Another surprise to many people was Michael Hart's choice of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab among the 100 influential persons, whom he not only included among these 100 persons but also put him as number two on the second half (51 to 100) of his choice. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is 52nd on the list. He ranked him higher than such famous men as Charlemagne and Julius Caesar. He further says that Umar's brilliant leadership was responsible for the expansion of the Islamic territory and the enormous extent that it did occur under him. He further says that Umar Ibn Al-Khattab ordered the Muslim armies to leave the natives of the conquered land in peace and ordered the military personnel not to force the natives to convert to Islam. 

In the parenthesis Michael put his note, "From the above, it is clear that the Arab conquest was more a nationalist war of conquest rather than a holy war, although the religious aspect was not lacking". Michael Hart further says that Umar ibn Al-Khattab's achievements are impressive and it would be a grave mistake to ignore his contributions to humanity. It should be noted that Umar Ibn Al-Khattab's brilliant leadership was responsible for permanence of the territories that came under the Islamic role at that time and are still part of the Islamic world today.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is a pioneering figure in the Islamic world. He was a leader, a statesman, a pious and God conscious Muslim who showed respect for all individuals including non-Muslims and he ordered the Muslims to treat non-Muslims with respect. He showed us how to apply the Quranic injunction "there is no compulsion in religion."

Under the leadership of Umar ibn Al-Khattab Islam spread widely not by the sword but by virtue of its beauty, simplicity, transparency, openness and the leadership provided by him. Another reason for the rapid growth of Muslim community was the conversion of some high-placed religious personalities from among the Jewish and the Christian communities. These religious personalities saw Islam as a continuation and affirmation of the Abrahamic faith. Ardkun, the Bishop of Damascus, accepted Islam after the Islamic armies entered the city under Khalid bin Walid. The followers of Ardkun became attracted towards the new faith and became Muslim. The chief administrator of the city of Shata in Egypt, famous for its textiles manufacturing, left his town with two thousand men and went to city of Damietta where the Muslim army was camped and embraced Islam with his followers.

During the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the non-Muslims enjoyed freedom of religion. They were free to perform their religious rites, ring bells to start their religious ceremonies, take out the Cross in procession and hold religious fairs. Even treaties were signed during the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab with non-Muslims that guaranteed freedom of religion. The writ of Hudhaifa bin al-Yaman to people of the region of Mahdinar says, "They shall not be required to change their religion, nor shall any interference be made in their religious practices."

Umar ibn Al-Khattab followed the principle of equality very strictly and would not tolerate any kind of distinction. Once, Umar ibn Al-Khattab had a difference of opinion with Ubayy bin Ka'b. The matter was referred and brought in the court of Qazi Zaid bin Thabit. When Umar ibn Al-Khattab arrived at the court the Qazi, Zaid bin Thabit, vacated his seat out of respect for the Khalifah. Umar ibn Al-Khattab, after observing the situation, said that this was the first injustice Zaid has done to the suit. Then he sat down next to Ubayy, his opponent.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab always favored individual freedom and self-respect. By word of mouth and through his writings he made it very clear that every human being was born free and no one should have to abase himself in front of others. Once, the son of Amr bin As abused and beat up a Copt Christian; on hearing this Umar ibn Al-Khattab had son of Amr punished publicly by the hand of the victim Copt Christian. Then Umar ibn Al-Khattab addressed both father and son and said, "Since when have you turned men into slaves, whereas they are born free of their mothers?"

The people of many cultures who accepted Islam faced new challenges. More complex questions regarding the Islamic way of life cropped up at the same time. Many of the questions could not be answered because clear rulings of the Holy Prophet or the Holy Qur'an were not available. The Qadis and Muftis appointed in towns and cities were Companions of the Prophet, yet they referred complicated questions to the Khalifah. The famous Sahabis who referred the question to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab are Abdullah bin Ma'sud, Ammar bin Yasar, Abu Musa Ash'ari, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Mughira bin Shuba and others. Umar ibn Al-Khattab gave his judgment after discussing these questions in the assembly of the companions. The discussions were conducted with the greatest freedom and acumen. Shah Wali-Ullah writes in Hujjatullah al-Baligha, "It was Umar's practice to consult the companions and hold discussions with them, until the veils were lifted and conviction was attained. For this reason Umar's dicta were accepted throughout the East and the West."

It is said that his writings, his letters and official instructions were as powerful as his speeches. In a letter to Abu Musa Ash'ari he wrote, "People generally hate their ruler, and I seek protection of Allah, if my people should entertain similar feelings about me. Avoid vain suspicions and keep away from malice, and don not encourage people of cherish vain hopes, and be careful of Allah's property, and guard yourself against evil men. If you find any people who are vindictively inclined towards the Muslim state, it is devilish inclination and must be put down by the sword, until they bow to Allah's decision and turn to better ways"

In another letter to Abu Musa Ash'ari he said, "The thing that strengthens one in execution of work and that one should not procrastinate; for if you do so, your affairs will heap up and overwhelm you and you will not then be able to decide what to do and what not to do, and you will fail in your work."

Umr Ibn Al-Khattab appointed Amr bin Al-As as the Governor of Egypt. Amr bin Al-As delayed remitting the revenue to the treasury. Umar ibn Al-Khattab wrote to him and reminded about the delay. Amr bin Al-As procrastinated. Umar ibn Al-Khattab sent him a strong letter, he wrote, "I understand that the thing that has kept you from replying is the fact that your subordinates are not good. They have made you a shield, and it is a disease for which I possess an effective remedy. I am surprised that I have written to you often and at length, but you neglected sending the revenue and have avoided giving straight answers. So Abu, Abdullah, don't worry. Due shall be taken from you and you shall pay them, for as the river yields pearls, so will you have to render the dues."

Umar ibn Al-Khattab used to end his speeches with following statement: "O God, let me not fall into an error, nor let me be called to account on unawares, nor let me fall into neglect."

Umar ibn Al-Khattab's actions speak louder about his character, his integrity and his love for the people in the Muslim state. He made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. His achievements are reflection of his life.

- See more at:
Umar ibn al Khattab among the most influential people in history - See more at:
Umar ibn al Khattab among the most influential people in history - See more at:
Umar ibn al Khattab among the most influential people in history - See more at:

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Neighbourhoods and… neighbours :D

  1. Part 1

    I could say my favorite subject, not because I spy on my neighbors and after this I go to gossip while I drink my coffee with my "friends neighbors"! In fact - from the beginning, I mention that I love so much the privacy and the intimacy of my home and me and my husband we prefer to keep our home far from any social meetings (as much as we can).

    Truly, I am the kind of person which appreciates and takes as good manners if before someone comes to us (family or friends) that person calls and announces the intention to visit us (with at least 1 day before) because I totally dislike that I change my daily program suddenly and run from here to there because we have a visit (hospitality is very important for me; as the guest prepares himself for the visit, so do I, I love to prepare everything for the moment of visit)! Speaking about calls too: no call after 22:00 and in week-end, no call before 10:00 (except the emergency cases)! 

    Why this? I come from a family and from an environment where the respect for the family and the privacy, the manners and the behavior are the business card or better said… the mirror of the education of any person who understands the meaning of words "gentleman" as a man and "lady" as a woman! 

    Well, from the point of view of privacy and intimacy – no problem about this with our neighbors because we don't connect with them more than "Salam Alaykoum/ Wa Alaykoum Salam" when accidentally we meet on the stairs (and it is fine like this, trust me!). So what’s the business with our neighbors? We will see…

    In this building there are people I never saw their faces not even once… but I can hear their voices… from the first until the last floor (10th floor) so clear and SO LOUD that I can know where they went, what they bought, who they met, what they cooked, how many times they slapped the kids and called them with the names of the entire ZOO Garden and even the number of fights (which usually continue outside in front of the building from the reason "I want that people know with whom I married and how "toz" (jerk) he/ she is"!
    Note: We are living in a good area of the city, to Port Said Street, so near to the sea, practically I can say that I can "wash" my hands into the sea :D.

    TV… Mobile phone… we all have at least one of these two things…but how many times you shared them with your neighbors or people in the street? :D
    I wish from all my heart that my neighbors or anyone else related to them read this article and read well what I will say now: Rise Down the voice of your TV and Your voice when you use the mobile! I have the feeling that you are in my living room when you turn on your TV or you speak to mobile!!!

    And please! Try to show a minimum of decency and that there is difference between you and any jungle animal and that you value the fact that Allah blessed you with rationality, with mind and HE dignified you by being a human with religion and knowledge and you live in the city, not in the middle of the jungle!  The choice is yours: you can be the Tarzan or Cheetah of the community or you can honor the name you carry and say Alhamdulillah for the grace of Allah on you!

    Speaking about manners and behavior… one more thing: TAKE YOUR GARBAGE TO THE GARBAGE BASKET and STOP throwing the bags from the window in the middle of the night or early morning (you know that it is WRONG what you are doing so you try to put yourself under the protection of the darkness or the silence of the morning)!!! And here I speak first to the women: it is that hard that you move yourself from the couch and get down with the garbage basket? It is that hard that you ask your husband or your older kids to take the garbage out (in case that you can't or you are busy with something else)? Why you have to make yourself so cheap, less than the animals and dirty the view in front of your eyes because you are "kaslana awii" and don't want to move your "lanchon" to not lose a few grams??? TAKE YOUR GARBAGE TO THE GARBAGE BASKET (for Heaven sake it is besides the building)!!!

    In the end, all these things remind me with words I heard once: "Look to the desert… you don't see any flies, bugs or garbage. Take some humans and put them there… after a while you will see the place full with flies, ants, mosquitoes, bugs; all these beside the garbage and the bad smell!"
    Really, the human blesses the place… or maybe not, at least not in the situations mentioned above!

    P.S.: If you pass the same problems or even more with the community you are from, please let your comment here and uncover the situation! We don't have to be silent to these things!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Cairo - amazing every day (part two)

Only 25 km from Cairo, Egypt's biggest riches look into the sandy horizon. The pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, tower over the Giza plateau and turn into stone the tenacity and traditional skill of the people on the shore of the Nile. Among them, the Great Pyramids of Giza, popularly known as the Pyramid of Keops, is not only the most impressive given its size (the pyramid is about 139 meters tall and for over 3800 years, it was the tallest building in the world), but also offers you one of the most unusual leisure activities, given that you are so close to the desert: golf. The huge golf course at the base of the Great Pyramid belongs to Egypt's oldest luxury hotel, Mena House, and in order to play some golf in an ancient background, you must pay 12 euros. Don't worry about a dress code: you will be allowed to step on the course wearing any kind of T - shirt and even sneakers.

After that, you must also make at least one stop at one of the Egyptian capital's religious sites. Cairo is often called "the city of one thousand minarets", due to the multitude of buildings influenced by Islamic architecture and the high number of mosques there. The Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha or the Alabaster Mosque is the most famous of them, being over 60 meters tall and the first building greeting you from the distance as you draw closer to Cairo. Sultan Hassan's Mosque became famous in ancient times due to its size and innovating architectural style, with the dome shaped like an egg carved in wood. As for the Al - Azhar Mosque, its construction was finished in the year 972, which makes it the city's oldest religious building. 

The taste of Cairo

After so many trips, a hearty meal is an absolute must. Egyptian cuisine is famous for the generous amount of vegetables it uses, perfect for regaining energy after a day in the desert. Mesa'a'ah is one of the most savory choices: slices of grilled eggplants, onions, peppers covered by tomato sauce and Egyptian spices.
Cardamom (Hell in Arabic) is the most popular spice in Egyptian cuisine, which actually combines an amazing variety of spices, both Asian and African influence.
Mutton is Egyptians' favorite meat, (not the case of my husband, so I consider myself so so so lucky ^___*), either grilled or baked, with tahina sauce and a lot of herbs.

Bread (Eish Masri or Eish Balad) is also an important component of traditional Egyptian meals and the places you can have the best bread are Bedouin villages. Made of thyme and corn seeds, the bread of these desert inhabitants comes as an extra treat when you sit in their welcoming tents, in shelters made of stones and decorated with pillows.

Beyond being the lead character in the story of Arabian culture, Cairo stands out as a city that manages to offer its tourists many reasons to be fascinated, regardless of the social and political context. Which is another piece of evidence that the great Egyptian city, a not to miss vacation destination, is triumphant every day.