Bismillahi Rahmanu Rahim
I don't know with which one to begin because I have so many Arabic songs that I love so much and I love to listen over and over again!
Allah, soon ... so soon the time will come! I can hardly wait for the moment when a bound will be tight forever!
Every love song that I love is connected to a precious moment from our love story: Kadreyah and Karim :) AlhamdulilAllah!
The moment when I first saw my husband...
...the moment when he first saw me...
...I remember the moment when our eyes met each other first time...
Our story goes on with so precious moments... so special and indeed... so rare between couples... sometimes I was thinking that it is not fair and I was asking myself, I was asking my beloved husband that how come all those beautiful things? And if I really deserve all the goodness and all his precious love for me?... I was thinking to this because meanwhile I have these things in another corner of the world... someone is suffering... another one is hungry... many are crying... much more are hurt and destroyed... so how come that I was receiving so much grace from Allah?
Than my beloved one was all the time reminding me that for every good thing, for every good thought, for every good eyes look and for every simple kind fact, for every blessed word... for every moment when we stop a moment to see the others and for every second when we take for our "precious - busy" time to give a hand to a person in need... we receive back much more that could we think... and much more that could we imagine... even if it comes later, over the time... Allah never forgets and HE gives us every little thing in the right moment with a right way!
Also, in hard times Allah never gives us more than we could take or that we could stand...
I love you my beloved husband!
Our story continuous with a very beautiful part... the part when Allah send us on the same road life and put us in the road of engagement...
Marriage what is one of the most beautiful dreams we had from the moment we discovered that we are in love with each other! ALHAMDULILALLAH!
I know that I have reached home! You are my home, my beloved husband!
And now check out what is behind the story :)))))))))) the real one without nothing hidden :D...